GREA 62nd Annual Convention
Augusta Marriott
October 19, 20, and 21, 2021
The 2021 State GREA convention will be held this year at the Augusta Marriott in Augusta, Ga. The convention committee chaired by Becky Upchurch has been planning for months! It will be an exciting convention!
We will again offer an early bird registration form for those of you who wish to register early and receive a lower cost. Registration fee before September 10th will be only $40 and after that date it will be $50. Early registration will save time for the state office and save you a little money.
The Hotel rate is $149+ taxes per night. Room reservations can be made online by this link Augusta Marriott GREA or by calling 1-800-228-9290. Please be sure to tell them you are with the GREA convention.